Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Psalm 121 1-4, 7-8 … new voices from Zambia

Muli shani! Greetings!

Psalm 121  1-4, 7-8 … 
New voices from Zambia 

In times of despair
I look to Victoria Falls 
and the mighty Zambezi river,
Where does my help come from?
My help and comfort come from you, 
Creator of all things.
You protect me from any form of accident.
You are ever alert, watching over me.
I will never be harmed by day or night.
The Lord protects me from all danger
And guides my coming in and my going out
For ever more.

Written cooperatively by second year Bachelor of Theology students at the United Church of Zambia University, Kitwe: Danniel Kabolwe, Kelvin Nyimbili, John Chitimbwa, Alinani Mutambo and Simon Bweupe.

Click here to enjoy more photos and the videos from Zambia.
Ana's Zambia Journey blog link: https://zambiajourney.blogspot.com/