Friday, 30 August 2019

Greetings from St John's WCF to Salisbury URC

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
Click here to watch the video of all the women of St John's UCZ greeting everyone in the linked Salisbury churches: United Reformed & Methodist.

I bring greetings from St John's Mtendere United Church of Zambia.  I met with the Women's Christian Fellowship for worship, singing, dancing and praying and sharing words of encouragement. 

 I had brought enough of the silver feet charms ('walking the way') and bookmarks we have received in the Wessex Synod of the United Reformed Church to share with the WCF members.  They joyfully hung them around their necks, celebrating the living links between the  congregations.

Mrs Ruth Gama, wife of Rev Godfrey Gama, and Mrs Miriam Siwali, wife of Student Minister Ezekial Siwali, both send their greetings. 
Click here to enjoy more photos and the videos I'm posting.
Ana's Zambia Journey blog link: