Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Breaking the chains of colonialism - Zambia's Freedom Statue

Greetings from Zambia!

The powerful Zambian Freedom Statue stands on Independence Avenue, around the corner from the Lusaka National Museum, not far from St Paul's United Church of Zambia.

While Zambia had a relatively peaceful transition, winning independence without a civil war or armed revolution, the struggle toward freedom was not without occasional violent suppression from the colonial government. This symbolic monument dedicated to the freedom fighters who died during the conflicts was inspired by a real event.

Mr Zanco Mpundu Mutembo, after a trial following his arrest for protesting, was sent to Livingstone Prison, where he was held in chains. The story goes, that with 18 armed soldiers facing him, he was ordered to break free from his constraints or be shot instantly. Summoning great strength, he managed to break the chains.

The statue was erected in 1974 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Zambia’s independence.

Today, the Freedom Statue is a popular gathering place on Africa Day (May 25). On Zambian Independence Day (October 24), a wreath is laid to honor the freedom fighters that lost their lives.  The Freedom Statue is depicted on  Zambian currency, the Kwatcha.
Here's a prayer relevanat for today by Thandiwe (from Worship Words):

Holy One, open our spirits to your righteousness –
a righteousness that helps us understand the power innate in all humanity.
Grant us the righteousness to recognize the gifts,
resources, resiliency, strength and wisdom
present in ourselves and in others.
Empower us, O God, to pursue equity and justice on earth.

Inspired by words of Isaiah:
His, the Messiah’s, delight shall be in the fear of God. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; But with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth.
Isaiah 11: 3-4a
For more information about the Freedom Statue, click here.
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