Friday, 16 August 2019

Make a joyful noise! -- Deliverance Choir, St Peter's Congregation UCZ

Muli shani!  Greetings!
I will sing of your love and justice; 
to you, Eternal One, I will sing praise.   Psalm 101.1
The Deliverance Choir comes from St Peter's Congregation in the Kitwe greater area.  This choir competition involved 17 choirs from both Kitwe North and Kitwe South Consistories of the United Church of Zambia.   
The venue, the Mindolo UCZ, is still under construction.  They are replacing their 500 seat sanctuary with one that holds 2000.  The Choir Celebration crowd fills it to about 2/3 capacity.   Held quarterly, the Choir Competition attendance entrance fees are a steady source of funds for the Consistory.
Enjoy a joy-filled song-filled day!
Click here to enjoy more photos and the videos I'm posting. Be patient, as the videos may take a moment. But the singing is worth it!
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