Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Girls & Boys Brigades going strong!

Mulishani mukwai!
Greetings from Zambia!

Both Girls and Boys Brigades involve many children and youth in the life of the congregations here in the United Church of Zambia. These Brigade members presented gift parcels to Bishop Chomba, Rev RM Chipampe and her husband, and myself at Rev Chipampe's induction service at Chilanga UCZ.  They marched smartly through the gathered 2000 people, delivered the beautifully decorated gift boxes at the front, then marched out again.  The numerous drums of the Boys Brigade provided the tempo.

Girls Brigade Commissioner Carol Mulenga, of St Paul's Consistory, Lusaka, was delighted to hear of our church's Brigade troups in Andover UK.

The Brigades members help serve the lunch.  The member in the left photo below is holding the towel for people to use after washing their hands at the tap.  As most eat without utensils, clean hands are essential.
Ana's Zambia Journey Blog link: https://zambiajourney.blogspot.com/
Be sure to click here to enjoy more photos and the videos I'm posting. Be patient, as it takes time for the videos to load. The vibrant music is worth the wait!