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The United Church of Zambia provides weekly Bible Study guide sheets for use by church groups. The outline provides a topic, an introduction to the theme, two or three main points relating to a particular Bible text, and questions for discussion.
At the Saturday morning meeting of Women’s Christian Fellowship (WCF) at Mindolo UCZ Congregation, Mrs Catherine Simwanda used the weekly material as her guide.
Perhaps you are part of a Bible Study group where you could use this material and feel connected to Zambian Christians. Here is the resource with additions (in italics) from Mrs Simwanda. (Thanks to Mrs Simwanda for allowing me to share her thoughts.)
Weekly Bible Study: Looking on your faith
Topic: Looking on your FAITH (Examining our FAITH)
Bible Reading: Job 23:11-23
Introduction: Sometimes God seems to be far away. How strong is your belief system, your FAITH?
Definition: What is FAITH? --the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)
My fellow mothers and sisters in the Lord, the Christian life that you and I are called for is the life of FAITH.
- You can’t be a mother without FAITH.
- You can’t be a WCF without FAITH.
- You can’t say ‘I am a Christian’ without FAITH.
- You cannot overcome the temptation of this world without trust and FAITH in Jesus.
- You and I are waiting for the coming of Jesus by FAITH.
Job had so much trust in God. The situation he went through pushed him to the end. God seemed silent.
- Job had reached dead ends but his faith stood the test of time.
- Job’s spirit was backed by the word of God. Listen to what he says in verse 11, ‘My feet have closely followed God’s steps. I have kept to God’s way without turning aside.’ Look at verse 12 also, ‘I have treasured the words of God’s mouth more than my daily bread.’
- Children died
- Properties were lost
- Buildings collapsed
- His wife tempted him to curse God
- His friends mocked and accused him of being wicked.
- Job understood that he was in the time of TESTING. Therefore, as WCF, we must understand that one day we shall be TESTED, too.
- Job’s faith was based on the Word of God.
- This man treasured the Word of God even when he lost all he had.
Questions for Discussion
- Job said, ‘Yet I am not silenced by the darkness.’ Are we able to say what Job said or does darkness make us lose faith? Trials may come and we may lose faith, but we should hold on to God always.
- How often do we continue to work for God even when things are not going as expected? We must always hold on to God and work for God.
- Are you strong inside or are you a baby Christian always stopping when things don’t go your way? Things might not be okay always but keep the Word of God inside you for your soul’s encouragement. _______________________
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