Thursday, 5 September 2019

Ministry is Dynamic -- Wellingtone C Bawalya, Zambia

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Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Today I'm sharing with you the wisdom Wellingtone C Bawalya shared at morning chapel here at United Church of Zambia University.

But first, some singing!  As it's Thursday, chapel songs are in Lozi, spoken primarily in southwestern Zambia.  Lozi is one of the 73 languages of Zambia.

Student Bawalya shares his thoughts arising from 1 Corinthians 4:5-6...
We are called differently but serving the same God.

My parents, sisters and brothers in the Lord, mostly our estimation of ourselves is usually wrong, we are almost too hard or too easy on ourselves. Therefore, it is imperative to recognise that we are called and gifted differently from each other for different assignments; hence the need to commend and appreciate each other in our areas of calling without despising or judging anyone and this will bring unity, peace, love and tranquillity in the church, our community and society as a whole.

My parents, sisters and brothers in the Lord, ministry is diverse. I ask each one of us to be ourselves. Do not strive to be a copy cut of other people.  Many people today evaluate and judge others on unbiblical standards like the Corinthian church did, basing on the sense of humour, entertainment value, appearance, and status. When they evaluate you, judge you and compare you with others basing on what they think about you, don’t mind that.

Do what you can do according to your ability and calling. Remember that you are not others, nor are they you,  but you are you.  Just maintain your identity because your vocation is different from others.  It is not judging others that will prove us safe and happy.W
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