Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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'Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the LORD has helped us.’' -- 1 Samuel 7:12 (NIV)
The Paradise Congregation’s newsletter editor writes, ‘Indeed, when we look back in our lives, we can really praise and glorify God for how the LORD has brought us up to now.’
What theme might you like to adopt in church for next year, or the rest of this year?
The UCZ theme invites us to give thanks to God for bringing us into this day, this era, this place, this time of potential, ‘thus far the LORD has helped us. It reminds us to remember and celebrate how God has helped us along the way, up to this day. When times are dark and difficult, we can be tempted to query where God is. This verse encourages us, reminding us to remember that God accompanies us always on our journey through the ups and downs of life.
God, thank you for bringing us to this day and place. May we be always grateful that you are our ever-present source of help and direction. Amen.
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