Muli shani!
Greetings from Zambia!
22-25 August
Lusaka Presbytery
Women's Christian Fellowship Annual Conference 2019
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'The Uniform represents a total transformation, meaning that we were in darkness, have been washed in the blood of Jesus and we now walk in the light of God who gives us strength to face each deay with joy in God's service.' (from the day's service sheet). 'The uniform originated from the Methodist Chjurch in South Africa dn Zimbabwe, which is one of the churches unified in the United Church of Zambia's formation in 1965.
2,000-3,000 members of WCF attended, including 70 from our partner congregation, St John's in Mtendere.
After kneeling and reciting the 5 vows of WCF, the candidates where literally dressed, while kneeling, by members of WCF -- blouse, belt and scarf put on. Then the Bishop and other ministers took the hands of the women, one by one, and 'lifted' them up to standing. Many tears and great celebration.
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Ana's Zambia Journey blog link: