Saturday, 21 September 2019

Morning devotions with the rising sun

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Juliet Kamanga, a first-year ministry student recently led morning devotions (held Monday-Friday at 6:45 am) here at the United Church of Zambia University.

I invite you to join in worship...

Call to Worship
The LORD reigns.
Let the earth rejoice and make a joyful noise to the LORD and be glad.
Come let us worship the LORD.

Prayer of Approach – praise & confession
Great and mighty you are, creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. We offer praise for your goodness and love, for forming us in your image and setting us over the whole world to serve you, our creator.
But we disobeyed your will, and turned against each other. You have given us life that we may love and serve you, and though we have resisted your purpose and misuse your gift, you have again and again called us to yourself.  Have mercy on us.  Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
For the assurance of pardon parents, brothers and sisters listen to these comforting words:
‘If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ These are the words that we may trust, that our sins are pardoned.  Amen.

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