Tuesday, 3 September 2019

God's amazing creation

Muli shani! Greetings!

God's creation never ceases to amaze!  Rev Godfrey Gama and Mr Amon Banda hosted us to a day amongst God's fabulous creatures.

 Even a boat ride to view amazing birds - spoonbill storks, kingfishers, cormorants, plovers...
Our host, Rev Gama, enjoying his first game park visit.

This particular group of elephants include three orphans successfully adopted by a childless-female.

Creator of all life, we pray for the animals of all continents who are being displaced by human expansion, giving thanks for those mindful stewards of the earth who set aside land and those who continue the work to protect and care for God's creatures.

Encourage us to step forward accepting the responsibility you have given us as your stewards of creation.  Help us change our ways to walk more closely with you and all creation.  Amen.
Yes!  Tod arrived on 19 August, and we've been off-line since!  Wonderful to be sharing this Zambia journey together.
Click here to enjoy more photos and the videos I'm posting.
Ana's Zambia Journey blog link: https://zambiajourney.blogspot.com/