Saturday, 28 September 2019

Sing praises to God! -- UCZ Choir Membership

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

 United Church of Zambia congregations usually have at least three choirs and sometimes as many as 5 or 6. The three primary choirs are: the 'Main' Church Choir, the Praise Team and the Women's Christian Fellowship (WCF) Choir.  Often the Men's Christian Fellowship creates a choir, too.  There might also be a 'youth' choir.

Each choir will have chosen a name, e.g. at Siyavonga where I preached on Sunday, the 'main' choir is 'Rock of Ages', the Praise Team (pictured) is 'Living Water' and the WCF Choir (pictured) is 'Dorcas Choir'.

Rehearsals are often held numerous times during the week -- perhaps 3-4 evenings and then again on Saturday.  And the results are amazing!

These choirs, like this one at Twatasha UCZ Congregation on the outskirts of Kitwe, are a huge draw for young people. The UCZ has created stipulations for choirs, to ensure that the focus of each choir and each singer remains on Christian praise and worship.  For starters, choir members, in the United Church of Zambia, must be full communicants in the local congregation.

A Choir Membership Card includes the following ‘Rededication vows’ which are renewed annually:

  1. I promise that, I will stay in the house of the LORD, congregating with my fellow Choir / Praise & drama members, learning the Word of God together through music.
  2. I promise that, I will continue to renew my life to my God and my membership to my Congregation each year through rededication.
  3. I promise that, I will sing a new song to you my God and make music to you.  Through music and performances, I will evangelise and reach out to the lost souls.
  4. I promise to work together with fellow Choir/ Praise & Drama team members and the Church at large, supporting one another through the Word of God, prayer and music, contributing my time and resources to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
  5. Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to Thee.  Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Membership Card includes pictures on the cover of a church, a drum, an icisekese (shaker/rattle) and the UCZ shield logo.

Inside the membership card there is a place for church and personal information and a monthly giving /receipt chart.  Choirs have expenses (uniforms, transportation to competitions and to sing at other churches, recording), and monthly giving raises the necessary funds.
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Friday, 27 September 2019

A Humble Home

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

President Kaunda's home, a typical township home, resembles our home in Plumtree, Zimbabwe -- the same four rooms with a coal/wood-burning stove in the corner of the kitchen.

To walk in the footsteps of history's giants always brings awe and gratitude to my heart.  Where would our world be without vision and the passion for freedom from the chains of injustice?

May our prayer be for the leaders of all nations that they might remain humble and true servants of their people, upholding liberty and justice for all.

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Thursday, 26 September 2019

Bethsaida Choir of Kitwe

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Sing a joyful noise to our Creator!
This is the Bethsaida Choir of Kitwe, which I thoroughly enjoyed at the Mindolo United Church of Zambia Choir Competition.

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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Ministry Covenant: Priesthood of all Believers comes alive!

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

I have attended two induction services for ministers.  The first was for a male Air Force Chaplain serving as Interim Minister at a growing urban congregation in Lusaka.  The second for a female full-time minister, also at a growing urban congregation.  Both congregations are in the middle of massive building projects, turning their current sanctuaries into halls and erecting cathedral-size sanctuaries to seat 2000 people.

Attending these induction services, leads me to reflect on the relationship between ordained minister and congregation.

Here in Zambia, full-time church ministers are appointed, or placed, rather than called, and they stay in a congregation usually 4-5 years before moving on to another congregation.  This enables the variety of gifts held by ministers to be shared around the congregations and presbyteries, and also helps avoid the establishment of any ‘seat of power’ resulting from long-term service in one congregation.  This movement, this fluidity of ministry, enables ministers to experience a variety of congregations, from rural to urban, small to large.

It also means that congregations need to live out their mandate to be a ‘priesthood of all believers,’ as they cannot become dependent on one minister.  For example, building projects, and there are many, are not the purview of one minister, but start with one, continue with another and sometimes are completed with a third. It is the laity that drives the congregation and its mission, not the minister.

Here are the questions asked at the induction services.

The Presbytery Bishop Questions the Minister Elect:
Do you believe in your heart that you are truly called by God to the pastoral charge of these Congregations?      I do so believe.

Do you promise to execute your charge with all fidelity, to preach the word of God, to administer the Sacraments, to fulfil the pastoral office, and to live a godly life, adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things?
By the help of God, I do so promise.

Exhortation & Charge (slightly altered to be inclusive)
May God, who has called you to this holy calling, illuminate, strengthen and so direct you in your ministry, that you may walk in an orderly, faithful and fruitful manner praising God and furthering and increasing God’s realm.  Preach the word, be constant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke and exhort with patience and doctrine.  Watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, and make full proof of your ministry.

The Presbytery Bishop puts this Question to the Congregation
And we who are members of the Church in this place will also stand to share this act of induction with you and show our fellowship with you in Jesus Christ.

Do you, the members of this Church, worshipping at ______________ Congregation under her/his care, acknowledge and receive Reverend _____________ as Minister of this Congregation, embracing the word of God which s/he is to deliver, and accepting her/him as one who is to watch over your souls and give account to God?  And do you promise to encourage her/him and share in her/his labours, to maintain and strengthen her/him in her/his ministry, and give her/him all due honour, loyalty and support?
With God’s help, we will.

Inductee’s Reply:   I thank you for your welcome.  I will work with you and pray for you.

Prayer by Bishop or Elected Minister
Almighty God, who has called your servants to make their vows together before you, enable them to keep the same, that they may remain steadfast in faith, and continue in every good work.  Empower your servant, Reverend ___________, to be faithful to her/his promises made this day through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Amen.
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Monday, 23 September 2019

Fulfil your Ministry -- Induction Prayers

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Prayers from Zambia for your use in personal devotions or for the gathered community.
Opening Prayer  

God of truth! You are worthy of higher praise than we can offer, and of purer worship than we can imagine.  By your Holy Spirit, assist us in our prayers and draw us to yourself, so that what is lacking in our thoughts, actions, words and music may be supplied by your overflowing love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, when we do not listen for your word in the words of others,
Forgive and renew us.
When we do not use the gifts you have bestowed on us,
Forgive and renew us.
When we do not love one another as sisters and brothers in Christ,
Forgive and renew us.
When we do not serve our neighbours in their need,
Forgive and renew us.
When we do not share the good news with those around us,
Forgive and renew us.
God calls us to serve, forgives us in Christ and renews us by the Spirit.
Thanks be to God.
God of grace, you call your Church to be a holy people to praise your name.  In the power of your Spirit, fill our hearts with your love and our lives with your glory; through Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

These prayers are taken from a Service of Induction for a new Minister in Lusaka.  The theme of the service, ‘Fulfil Your Ministry’, draws on texts from Colossians 4:17 and John 15:14-16. 
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Sunday, 22 September 2019

Psalm 46:1-6 renewed in Zambia

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Psalm 46:1-6 renewed in Zambia*

God gives us a place to stay,
and makes us strong when we are weak.
God is always close to us in times of need.
Therefore, even if the economy is bad, we will not be moved,
When the people we depend on depart from us,
When challenges arise in our lives that are beyond our capability.
God gives me love and grants me hope for my inheritance.
God is with our Nation always.
It shall be still, for joy comes in the morning.

*Composed by Kennedy Chisompole, Precious Mwape, Henry Sichamba, David Chanda, Baron Silomba – a group of First Year Ministry (Bachelor of Theology) students at United Church of Zambia University, Mindolo, Kitwe

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Saturday, 21 September 2019

Morning devotions with the rising sun

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Juliet Kamanga, a first-year ministry student recently led morning devotions (held Monday-Friday at 6:45 am) here at the United Church of Zambia University.

I invite you to join in worship...

Call to Worship
The LORD reigns.
Let the earth rejoice and make a joyful noise to the LORD and be glad.
Come let us worship the LORD.

Prayer of Approach – praise & confession
Great and mighty you are, creator of heaven and earth and everything in it. We offer praise for your goodness and love, for forming us in your image and setting us over the whole world to serve you, our creator.
But we disobeyed your will, and turned against each other. You have given us life that we may love and serve you, and though we have resisted your purpose and misuse your gift, you have again and again called us to yourself.  Have mercy on us.  Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
For the assurance of pardon parents, brothers and sisters listen to these comforting words:
‘If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ These are the words that we may trust, that our sins are pardoned.  Amen.

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Friday, 20 September 2019

Psalm 121 – rising from Zambia

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Psalm 121 – rising from Zambia*

When I am in search of a solution, from place to place,
It is only found in God
The Creator of the Universe.
God provides ultimate protection
No matter the challenge.
For God remains watchful in all times.
God who watches over nature will always be with us.
God is our Protector all the time.
Nothing harmful will be able to fall upon us, either by day or night.
Even those enemies who threaten your life will not come harm you.
The Lord preserves and guards against any devourers.
God will forever be with you in your outings and comings.
*Composed cooperatively by a group of students in the second year of the Bachelor of Theology Course at United Church of Zambia University, Mindolo, Kitwe: including Kelvin Mumba, Harrison Phiri, Kennedy Mushota, Mukololo, Tembo Kawanje

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Thursday, 19 September 2019

Psalm 122 – Zambia’s voice

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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A Song of Praise*

I was excited when I heard people say, ‘Let’s go to church.’
Finally, we are joined together with other believers in the congregation,
As the congregation strongly founded together,
By people from different social backgrounds united by God.
And in this place leaders gather to preside over their people
And to pray for harmony in the land.
May those who walk in your love succeed.
Peace be inside your dwelling place and safety.

*Written cooperatively by a group of students in the Bachelor of Theology course at United Church of Zambia University, Mindolo, Kitwe.
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Wednesday, 18 September 2019

World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
Click here to read the complete post.

This prayer for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel shared in today's chapel service here at UCZ University, was read by Esnat, a ministry student recently returned from a study programme in the Holy Lands.

She introduced the prayer with these words:
This week, the third week of September, is the World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel, a week set aside by the World Council of Churches, inviting Christians around the world to learn about life in Gaza, in the Holy Land, to learn about the destruction of homes by the Israeli government in order to build the dividing wall, the barrier, through the land.  It’s a week to set a plumb-line in the midst of God’s people there, not to be sure the wall, the barrier, between Palestine and Israel is straight, but to pray and work toward dismantling it, to bringing it down, a time to proclaim the straight and right path of God.

A prayer for the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel

God, loving Parent of all humankind,
You are our Peace.
In Jesus you embodied peace with justice –
And you still do—
Peace at its most down-to-earth,
Peace, which can still prevail
In the face of all the walls we build.
We pray for the people of Palestine and Israel,
especially the hundreds of Palestinian families
whose homes have been destroyed
to build the great dividing wall.
We hear their cry,
their helpless anger at the
wall of concrete cutting across their daily lives,
limiting their travel, study, and healthcare;
limiting their access to work, worship,
family connections, and even celebrations.
We pray for their children,
living in a world crossed by razor wire
that tears at flesh and draws blood.
We confess our complicity in maintaining barriers
of ignorance, fear, privilege, prejudice,
‘us’ and ‘them’.
But you are our peace,
with power to cut this wire for good,
to break down all our walls.
Help us hold up your plumb-line amidst your people,
to proclaim what is right,
and together share in the work of building peace,
the work of justice.
Original prayer by Jan Sutch Pickard (WWPPI), expanded by Ana Gobledale
For the full text of the original prayer, click here.
Photo: The Wall, Palestine -Sadaka photo
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Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Prayer for our nation

Muli shani! Greetings from United Church of Zambia University in Mindolo!
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Juliet Kamanga (center in photo) shared this prayer in morning devotions here at the University.

Prayer for our Nation
Give wisdom to all in authority.
Direct this nation and all nations in the ways of justice and peace,
that humanity may honour one another and seek the common goal.
Give grace to us, to our families and friends,
and all our neighbours in Christ.
Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind and spirit.
Give them courage and hope in their troubles,
and bring them the joy of your salvation.

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Monday, 16 September 2019

Psalm 46 for Zambia Today

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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Psalm 46:1-11 – a Zambian revision
Written cooperatively by a group of first year Bachelor of Theology students at the United Church of Zambia University, Mindolo, Kitwe: Derrick Phiri, Francis Kasunde Chilepe, Ezekiel Siwale, Likokoto Situmbeko, Philip Sinkala, Webster Nganyu, Augustine Nkonde 

Creator who is our protector, power and ever with us,
Even when the economy depreciates and political scandal rises,
Will not be shaken.
God is the source of happiness.
Your word brings joy to us.
Your presence, oh Lord, will always be with us to render help.
At the sound of your voice troubles come to a standstill.
God who fights our battles is always present in our midst.
Neighbours, see what the Lord has done.
You are the peace maker.
Be focused on me, for I am your God.
I cannot be compared with any.
The Lord who fights our battle is with us.
God of our ancestors is our protector.

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Sunday, 15 September 2019

UCZ Bible Study: Looking on your faith

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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The United Church of Zambia provides weekly Bible Study guide sheets for use by church groups.  The outline provides a topic, an introduction to the theme, two or three main points relating to a particular Bible text, and questions for discussion.

While I was in Lusaka, we used this tool for the basis of a listener call-in radio programme at United Voice Radio.

At the Saturday morning meeting of Women’s Christian Fellowship (WCF) at Mindolo UCZ Congregation, Mrs Catherine Simwanda used the weekly material as her guide.

Perhaps you are part of a Bible Study group where you could use this material and feel connected to Zambian Christians.  Here is the resource with additions (in italics) from Mrs Simwanda.  (Thanks to Mrs Simwanda for allowing me to share her thoughts.)

Weekly Bible Study:  Looking on your faith

Topic:  Looking on your FAITH  (Examining our FAITH)

Bible Reading:  Job 23:11-23

Introduction:  Sometimes God seems to be far away.  How strong is your belief system, your FAITH?

Definition:   What is FAITH?  --the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1)
My fellow mothers and sisters in the Lord, the Christian life that you and I are called for is the life of FAITH.
  1. You can’t be a mother without FAITH.
  2. You can’t be a WCF without FAITH.
  3. You can’t say ‘I am a Christian’ without FAITH.
  4. You cannot overcome the temptation of this world without trust and FAITH in Jesus.
  5. You and I are waiting for the coming of Jesus by FAITH.
Review of Bible Text
Job had so much trust in God.  The situation he went through pushed him to the end.  God seemed silent.
  • Job had reached dead ends but his faith stood the test of time.
  • Job’s spirit was backed by the word of God.  Listen to what he says in verse 11, ‘My feet have closely followed God’s steps.  I have kept to God’s way without turning aside.’  Look at verse 12 also, ‘I have treasured the words of God’s mouth more than my daily bread.’
Job faced a lot of temptations in his life time:
  • Children died
  • Properties were lost
  • Buildings collapsed
  • His wife tempted him to curse God
  • His friends mocked and accused him of being wicked.
But my fellow women, I want us to look at how Job used his FAITH and TRUST in God despite all he went through.
  1. Job understood that he was in the time of TESTING.  Therefore, as WCF, we must understand that one day we shall be TESTED, too.
  2. Job’s faith was based on the Word of God.
  3. This man treasured the Word of God even when he lost all he had.
Just like you here come to this Women’s Fellowship, not that all is well, but because of the FAITH you have in God.  And I, Mrs Simwanda, would love to encourage you to continue holding on to God and keep trusting Jesus.

Questions for Discussion
  1. Job said, ‘Yet I am not silenced by the darkness.’  Are we  able to say what Job said or does darkness make us lose faith?   Trials may come and we may lose faith, but we should hold on to God always.
  2. How often do we continue to work for God even when things are not going as expected?   We must always hold on to God and work for God.
  3. Are you strong inside or are you a baby Christian always stopping when things don’t go your way?  Things might not be okay always but keep the Word of God inside you for your soul’s encouragement.  _______________________
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Saturday, 14 September 2019

Wigs and fashion

 Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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I have been amazed and impressed by the elaborate hairdos of many of the women I have met here in Zambia.  Many of the young women have long hair reaching far down their back.  Sometimes the hair is in small plaits/braids; other times just hanging loose.  Many have short straight bobs, or curly loose ringlets.  And the colours, as in Britain, range from lavender to glossy black.

In some church choirs all the women have not only matching outfits, but also matching hair with exactly the same texture, length and style.  Amazing!

Lo and behold!  These fancy dos are wigs!  Though hot, they are much cheaper than having plaits/braids woven in, which after a month or two need to be removed and new ones purchased and attached.  Cheaper, also, than dying one’s own hair and having to find the money for that ritual on a regular basis.  Rather, purchase a few wigs for instant access to a variety of hairstyles!

Sally, a third year Bachelor of Theology Student here at UCZ University, enlightened me…and showed me her wig collection.  She encouraged me to share this post and assures me it’s okay to share all this with you (smile).

Thanks to Sally!

Please pray for Sally and all the third-year students at UCZ University that they may pass their upcoming exams and feel confident in their call as they transition from the University to full-time ministry.
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Friday, 13 September 2019

Juliet Kamanga’s Morning Devotions

Muli shani! Greetings from the United Church of Zambia University in Mindolo!
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It has been a great joy to take part in the teaching of Homiletics again after a hiatus of so many years.

Each morning at 6:45 the University community gathers for morning devotions usually led by a student.

Juliet is a first-year student in the Bachelor of Theology programme. Her sermon illustration delighted the congregation and has been used several times as an example of a effective and memorable sermon illustration, given her topic ‘Be Alert’.  She agreed that I might share it and part of her message with you.

Theme:  Be Alert
Illumination prayer (before reading scripture)
Your word, LORD, is an inspiration to us.  As we interact with your word, stimulate our hearts. Amen.
Reading:  1 Corinthian 4:17-20

Illustration & Challenge   (taken from a longer message)
This theme reminds me of man who was coming from a drinking place to his home and he was very drunk. So he got on the boat and started to paddle, the man paddled for the whole night.  When the morning came, the man discovered that he was at the same place. The man actually forgot to untie the boat from the tree.

I challenge us therefore this morning to always be alert and cognizant of the way we conduct ourselves, not like the man that paddled the boat without untying it. As the day progresses these are the words we may reflect upon.

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Thursday, 12 September 2019

Thus far the Lord has brought us - 1 Samuel 7.12

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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'Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen.  He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the LORD has helped us.’'  -- 1 Samuel 7:12 (NIV)

Each year the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) focuses on a new theme.  For 2019 it is ‘Thus far the LORD has brought us,’ taken from 1 Samuel 7:12 (NIV). The theme then guides the planning of retreats, revival weeks, church conferences, Women’s & Men’s Christian Fellowship programmes, and even choir competitions and radio shows on UCZ radio stations.  Banners proclaim the theme; church magazines, calendars and service sheets highlight it; t-shirts and caps promote it; and preachers refer to it. 

The Paradise Congregation’s newsletter editor writes, ‘Indeed, when we look back in our lives, we can really praise and glorify God for how the LORD has brought us up to now.’

What theme might you like to adopt in church for next year, or the rest of this year? 

The UCZ theme invites us to give thanks to God for bringing us into this day, this era, this place, this time of potential, ‘thus far the LORD has helped us.  It reminds us to remember and celebrate how God has helped us along the way, up to this day.  When times are dark and difficult, we can be tempted to query where God is.  This verse encourages us, reminding us to remember that God accompanies us always on our journey through the ups and downs of life.

God, thank you for bringing us to this day and place.  May we be always grateful that you are our ever-present source of help and direction.  Amen.
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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Ministry & the Mines

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
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Revd Godfrey Gama, Minister at St John’s Mtendere United Church of Zambia, who visited our Salisbury and Andover URCs in May, worked in the mines for 5 years before starting theological training.  He worked underground for 18 months at Mopani Copper Mine in Kitwe, then in the Smelting Section of Konkola Copper Mine.

He is married to Ruth and they have two lovely children -- Taonga Ruth and Kondwani (Happy) Godfrey.  Please hold the Gama family in your prayers.

Taonga Ruth in her Girls Brigade Uniform
Tod at dinner with Godfrey and Ruth

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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Lost mail

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
Wondering where the letters go?  I am wondering, too.  To date I've received no letters and I'm thinking none of the letters I wrote and posted my first week in Lusaka have arrived in the UK or USA.  It's a mystery.  A new 'E-letter system' is mentioned that has replaced the ordinary mail service, but what that is, I do not know.
This is the central Kitwe Post Office.  The cost to post a letter to the UK is K20, a bit more than £1.  Rather than writing letters, people purchase phone time and talk with Whatsapp. The times they are a changing!

 If I were to receive your letters, which hopefully I will in the next two weeks while I'm at the University, they will be delivered to this bank of postal boxes.

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Monday, 9 September 2019

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Thanks to Anne & Peter and Chris & Ted for identifying this English hymn, sung by every choir at the Choir Competition hosted by Mindolo United Church of Zambia.

It's New Every Morning is the Love by John Keebler (18 century), number 536 in Rejoice & Sing hymnal.

Singing is the Bethsaida Choir from Kwacha East Consistory UCZ.

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Sunday, 8 September 2019

Sponsored walk -- carrying lots of water!

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!

Always something new happening!

Tod's departed for the UK and I'm walking in a sponsored 10 km walk here in Lusaka to raise funds for a church building project. If you'd like to sponsor me, please let me know with a message to this website or an email to revsgobledale@hotmailcom.

The Lusaka Presbytery is building a church house to avoid continuing to rent.  Seeing the many new churches around Lusaka and at Mindolo, this is surely possible.  The land is already purchased. 

As for the fund-raising walk... We're walking through the city of Lusaka.  I'll be accompanying Bishop Chomba and members of the United Voice Radio crew among many other church members and friends from throughout the Lusaka Presbytery. 

I'm assured there will be an emergency medical vehicle accompanying the walkers and plenty of water available, as it will get hot.  We're starting early to avoid the heat of the day.

If you'd like to sponsor me, please let me know with a message to this website or an email to revsgobledale@hotmailcom. 
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Saturday, 7 September 2019

Bethsaida Choir -- Wow!

Muli shani! Greetings from Zambia!
Each choir participating in a Choir Competition designs their own uniforms and choreographs their entry down the central aisle and into position on the platform.  This vibrant choir, from Bethsaida United Church of Zambia, raised the roof with their processional singing of 'King of Kings', 'Nkosi namaNkosi'.
The women carry knobkerries:  the name derives from the Afrikaans word 'knop', meaning knob or ball and the Khoekhoe or San word 'kirri', meaning walking stick.  
The Bethsaida Choir has chosen garb traditional to the Ngoni People in the Eastern Province.  It's similar to that of the Zulu people of South Africa, the community in which we lived 1984-1990.  with the cowskin shields, headbands and waist-skirts.

Among the Zulu people the knobkerrie is called an 'iwisa' and is still used for ceremonial purposes.  Amongst the Ndebele people it is called 'induku' and was traditionally used in warfare.  We knew them to be used to ward off snakes.
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Friday, 6 September 2019

Malepo - Blessing

Muli shani. Greetings from Zambia.

Children are a blessing.  Tod and I delight in every mention, photo or skype with our two darling granddaughters, Cora now 21 months and Nova 6 months.

Children here in Zambia face many challenges just to stay alive: malaria, unclean water, and air pollution for starters.

Please pray for Mr Fred Kaluba and his family in Mindolo.  They are grieving the death of three-month-old Malepo (Blessing in English), Mr Kaluba's granddaughter.  Mr Kaluba is the groundskeeper at the UCZ University.

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