Sunday means worship!
Three church services -- opportunity to reflect on my call to ministry, my ministerial formation in South Africa and being bloused in Isililo/Manyano (Women's Christian Fellowship).
The first service is held at St Stephen's, a city church in Lusaka. The church framework under construction provides a roof soaring high above us like a giant parasol. Today the new minister, Rev Wirgan Mwape, is inducted. A question in the service stands out for me: 'Do you believe that you are truly called by God to the pastoral charge of these Congregations?'
Revd & Mrs Mwape
Consistory Womens Christian Fellowship (WCF) Choir |
| The ceiling of the new church structure above us... |
| The Brigade Band practicing |
Revd R Musonda officiating at communion |

Next we head to Paradise Congregation in Chelston Consistory, on the outskirts of Lusaka. Our visit is short, time enough for Rev Godfrey Gama to read the banns and bless an engaged couple and say a prayer of blessing for a young woman preparing to be bloused into WCF. I recall when I was bloused, when I joined Isililo (the WCF equivalent in the UCCSA) soon after Thandiwe was born. Today I wear my Isililo/Manyano uniform -- white jacket and belt, blue rosette, black skirt and shoes, white beret, UCCSA pin. Except for a special service in Westminster Abbey, my uniform has gone unworn for 19 years. It feels good, right, to be wearing it again.

Last stop, Kasenga Congregation UCZ. We travel another hour, fifty minutes of which are down a dirt and then sand road. The rural setting reminds me so much of our church district in Zimbabwe.

Revd Gama appropriates me into worship leadership -- to say words of greeting and prayer, to extend God's blessing to two new members of the congregation, to co-officiate at the communion meal. I'm overcome with a profound conviction of my call to ministry and tears of joy wet my cheeks. Yes, as Revd Mwape affirmed this morning, I believe that am truly called by God to this path, to this ministry.

My ministry formation happened in southern Africa, my very core as a minister was first shaped and molded in the hills of Zululand. The sense of home-coming grounds me in this place. Only Chicago, as a place, has ever had such power over me before, the sense of coming-home when the skyline comes into view. Wherever we have lived it has always been my family, not a place, that has created home for me. But this belonging is happening in a place I have never been before, amongst a people I have never met before.

After the service, the young members of the choir ask questions of me. I share photos to describe myself: my Granny-photos, Thandiwe--the Reverend pictured at her induction, Mandla--my singer and Tod, the Salisbury church spire. They bless me with a new name, Lushono, Faith.
Truly, no longer strangers, but called by God to be sisters and brothers in Christ, in faith, together in the family of God!