Monday, 22 July 2019

A Day of Singing

Saturday was full of a choir competition from 11:00 until the last of 29 choirs sang at 20:30.  The church was packed, probably 1000+ people.  The choirs, all from UCZ congregations, had as many as 150 singers each. Enjoy the photos and videos...

Three judges evaluated the singing and presentation.  Every choir had 3 tasks...
to sing a rendition of  'To God be the glory' (in English and Bemba), to perform a 'self-composition', and to present a piece of advanced musical skill refered to as 'notes'.  At least one piece included percussion instruments:  drums, a shaker  instrument called an icisekese, tambourine, marimba.  And no other accompaniment, all a capella.  Wow!  I enjoyed every minute.