Friday, 11 October 2019

The Mighty Baobab

Muli shani! Greetings!

The road approaching Siyavonga and the Zambezi River from the north, travels through mountainous terrain and valleys full of baobab trees.

Thank goodness it is the fruit and not the wood that is currently in demand as a new 'superfood.'  Maybe this will help save trees.

The pulp of the baobab fruit contains:
       vitamin C

The Guardian writes: 'In more than 30 African countries, the mighty baobab tree thrives. Parts of the tree are used to treat malaria and infertility.  Now, the rest of the world is catching on to the benefits of the baobab fruit, which health food companies are trumpeting as the newest “superfood”.

'According to the Grocer, Ocado has reported a 27% increase in weekly sales since the start of 2018, thanks, in part, to the rise of “liquid breakfasts”. Baobab, in its white powder form, is used predominantly in smoothies and porridge. It was approved for European markets only 10 years ago, but thanks to its purported levels of antioxidants, potassium and phosphorus, high level of vitamin C, calcium and fibre, it has seen its uses expanded into gin, beauty products and yoghurt.' 

Click here to read the full article on the Guardian's website.

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